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Advisory Board

Advisory Members

ICBTM-2024 Advisory Member
from all over the world

Prof. Kent R. Thielen

Mayo Clinic Florida, USA

Prof. T. P. Singh

AIIMS, New Delhi

Prof. V. S. Chauhan

University of Delhi

Gp Capt H. S. Chaudhry

Director, HeCiT, Delhi

Prof. Mario Moreira

Fiocruz, Recife, Brazil

Prof. D.E. Goldberg

Washington University, USA

Prof. Avadesha Surolia

IISc, Bangalore, Bharat

Prof. Anil Chuturgoon

KwaZulu-Natal University

Prof. Pal Herczegh

University of Debrecen

Prof. S.M.S Chauhan

University of Delhi

Prof. Yogendra Singh

IoE, University of Delhi

Dr. Sanjeev K. Joshi

Dy. CEO, BrahMos, Delhi

Prof Marcelo C. Leao

UFRPE, Recife, Brazil

Prof. Umesh Rai

VC, Jammu University, Jammu

Prof. Pavel Martasek

BIOCEV, Czech Republic

Prof. Vladimir Korshun

RAS Moscow, Russia

Prof. Conor R Caffrey

University of California, USA

Prof. S.P.S Bisht

VC, SSJ University, Almora

Prof. Ildiko Bacskay

Dy Dean, University of Debrecen

Prof. Bijayalaxmi Nanda

MH, University of Delhi

Prof. SK Awasthi

University of Delhi

Prof. Miguel Prudencio

Lisbon Univ., Portugal

Prof. Daman Saluja

IoE, Univ. of Delhi

Prof. Rana P Singh

JNU, New Delhi

Prof. AK Verma

University of Delhi

Dr. Sudhir Chandana


Prof. Rajeev Gupta

IoE, University of Delhi

Prof. B.P. Sharma

Group President, Pacific University

Prof. Sangit Kumar

IISER Bhopal Bharat

Prof. BK Singh

University of Delhi

Prof. Ramendra P Singh

University of Delhi

Mr. Sharad Kothari

CEO, Pacific Medical University

Prof. K.K. Dave

VC, Pacific University, Udaipur

Prof. Hemant Kothari

Dean PG, Pacific University, Udaipur

Prof. NG Sahoo

Kumaun Univ. Nainital

Amogh Dev Rai

Sanrachana, SGT University

Prof. Archana Negi

Kumaun University, Nainital

Prof. Unnat Pandit

JNU, New Delhi

Mr. RS Rathore

Director, HeCIT, Delhi

Mr. Rajeev Joshi

Director, HeCiT, Delhi

New Perspective of Inter-disciplinary Challenges

The conference promotes interdisciplinarity and aims to hub eminent speakers from renowned institutions at a common platform. The conference's primary objective is to advance the discovery and development of therapeutics for infectious diseases, neurological disorders, cancer biology, environment & health, etc.




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